Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ehem ehem

Di hari yang mendung2 suam nih, teringin lak nak update blog..(atas desakan ramai, kugagahkan jugaklaa curik tulang).

Next --> Nx

Next masih next..tapi Ejaan je laen..tujuan??hmm..saje je kot..nak masuk season baru nih kan..
dengan player dirombak2kan..okaylaa tuh..kadang2, kene gak buang yang poyo keruh, ambik yang jerneh itu adalah lebih baek kan? ^_^

**off topic jap**

Well, untuk player2 yang berkenaan, maen basketball ni bukan semata2 untuk menang je..
Kita bermain nih untuk semangat kesukanan basketball NC yang berada di tahap kritikal sekarang nih...
So, takyahlaa nak bercakap besar macamlaa kau tuh michael jordan..kalau kau uh da bagos sangat, masuklaa NBA..*jgn kata NBA, kau nak masuk Division I pon tak tentu layak*
So, insaf2 laaa..kita maen basketball kene ada teamwork..kalau susah sangat nak bagi teamwork, takyah masuk pon takpe..kau buat team sorang2..takde sape yang paksa kau nak training or what not..
Kalau nak buat status camtuh, kau prove dulu kehebatan kau..baru org respect..kalau setakat cakap, aku pon boleh beb!..
Siapa org yang aku cakap nih?alaaaa...saper makan cili, dia laa terasa pedas..kan?kan?kan?

So, untuk player2 yang laen, ambilla pengajaran dari cerita di atas..
Takyahlaa nak budget2 anda hebat sangat..
Bukan semua org "gifted" boleh teros maen macam MJ.
kita semua bermula dari bawah..
hebat tak hebat uh, bergantung pada kecekapan korang practice & kesungguhan korang bermain..

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010


~~ Work will win; wishy, washy, wushu or wishing wont..~~

~Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work~

Mampu ke??

Sekarang da nak end of the week..
Means Sunday ada match..
Saturday ada charity work..nak gi ke tak?
 206 da takde weekend nih sebab baek hati bagi adik pinjam, so patah kaki..hmmm...
mampu ke nak berlari ke sana sini?

Prediction :-
Jumaat malam :- Balik Wangsa Maju sbb nak tgk 3 brothers,
Sabtu pagi :- a) balik Rawang, tidor je sepanjang ari, maen FB, maen Kucing.
                    b) balik Subang balik, gi charity, then balik Rawang
Ahad pagi  :- a) gi tgk NCBL
                    b) stay at home tgk Channel 303..

**dah 2minggu tak maen basketball, rasa rindu lak..hmm...
balik maen dulu laa..Weekend, nanti baru pikir..
NEXT'ers, see u on Sunday..(hope so)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mood Tsunami di 3rd Week NCBL 2010

First of all, congrats tuk NEXT..

Walaupon aku tau, korang dijangkakan berada di team terbawah tapi yang penting semangat kesukanan..
Ini 1st league korang, whatever happen dalam NCBL kali nih, jadikan pengajaran n pengalaman..
Penting laa untuk team2 baru yang baru mula nak mengorak langkah nih..
Senior2, jgn laa lokek turunkan ilmu..setakat nih, senior2 sume baguslaa..*clap2* tuka mood tsunami..
Sekitar game NEXT vs BULLETS....

1) Pernah tak tgk game ter"pause" sebab pihak penganjur pakai bola org??
haaa...nih laa yang terjadik biler derang pakai bola org tadi...tibe2 game di"pause"kan..
Salah siapa tuh???

2) Timekeeper - Aku ke yang salah or org tuh yang salah?..kenapa time tak stop waktu bola out, n player terpaksa amek bola yang dah sampai ke jalanraya nak kutip bola tgh hujan?
n stopkan masa pada waktu yang tak sesuai..last2 kene gak skolah ngan pengadil..
Tak berwibawa penjaga masa+penjaga score court A kali nih...

3) Scorekeeper - Mak aih..biler cek2 balik, byk tol score dia tak accounted..even free throw pon tak kire ke???What the efff laa kan????
Nih baru team bullets, tataulaa baper yang derang miss..
Mungkinlaa game nih takde kaitan ngan penjaga masa mahupon penjaga markah uh, tapi beb, kau dah dibagi tanggungjawab, jalankan laaaa...If tak mampu, surrender laa..bagi kat org laen...
Even tulis winning team pon salah..adakah derang terlampau penat?fikiran bercelaru?or mmg tak berwibawa?
Renung2kan laa...Untuk team2 yang laen, lenkali, keep track ngan markah korang..kalau ada time keeper sendiri lagi bagos..



Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm BACK!!!

Perghhh...berhabuk cam harem je page nih...ada tikus lagi beranak pinak..isk3.

2 minggu busy ngan kerja kat opis, rasa ketinggalan jauh di belakang dalam dunia "basketball"..
Sori laa baru ada kesempatan nak update..(salahkan CEO&COO opis aku..huhu..)
Lupekan kerja jap..tune mood basketball...
Dah 2 minggu berlangsung NCBL 2010..
sentiasa hangat...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Official NEXT Jersey

Fellow NEXT sekalian,
nih laa baju korang....
Ini je yang tinggal kat kedai uh..
Dah habis pusing satu Summit cari kedai wat jersey, tapi tak jumpa.
For the second jersey, sesape yang tahu ada kedai jual murah, Bolehlaa tolong uruskan..Mr.Manager?.

Harga sepasang = RM 70.00
Esok baru siap..Please bring your money together on Sunday and remind your others teammate too..
But, due to the urgency and short notice, it will be only number without Name to be printed on.
We will give the jerseys back to Hoops Station on Wednesday in order for them to finish up name printing.

P/s : Please give your full commitment and support to the team. 
Good Luck!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ceritera Jersey..Jersey ohh Jersey

Pas balik kerja, dok lepak makan pisang goreng Subang Perdana..(that's for my dinner)..
Lepas makan dah tatau nak gi, suggest laa kat Mr.Ed untuk gi Summit.
Aku nih tak pernah lagi jejak kaki kat sana & aku dapat tau ada kedai jual Molten kat sana..
So, nak usya2 jelaa..terniat di hati nak memiliki bola baru..tapi, apakan daya, jatuh bankrup..
*bilerlaa claim nak masuk nih..sigh..*

Sampai kat sana, jumpalaa kedai jual barang2 basketball tuh..
Heppinyer masuk kedai uh..kenapalaa tatau wujud kedai uh before nih...
And macam2 info pasal NCBL dapat korek dari org kedai uh..sangat peramah dia..A good salesperson..
*Thanks sebab layan baekk punye!*
pastuh, dia cerite,  kedai uh byk wat jersey untuk2 team NCBL..siap tunjuk lagi plastik2 beg yang penuh ngan jersey..dahlaa design lawa, kaen pon baeeeekkk punye..sgt tertarik laa hati nih..
Adalaa jugak dia tunujk design 1 team tuh.SMART!!.

Selepas pusing2 kedai, n beli laa suar sehelai, kitorang pon keluar laa dgn macam2 risalah aku bawak kuar.
Pastuh Mr.Ed saje2 jelaa call Mr.Fendi kuasa kuda tanya pasal jersey.
Rupenye, tak order pon lagi jersey uh..

*harinih da khamis malam..ada lagi 2hari nak tempah jersey nih..tauke uh pon tatau nak terima lagi ke tak..*

So, cut the story short, kami amek Fendi kat USJ time uh jugak, then berlari2 ayam laa kat dalam Summit nak gi cek kedai jersey laen..kebanyakannye da tutup. isk2..kedai kawan Fendi pon da tutup.
*dahlaa aku berlari ngan bawak beg laptop yang berat sebab design+info NEXT dalam uh.penat&lenguh bahu nih*

Tapi, sempat gaklaa masuk kedai HOOPS tuh yang da tutup pon pintu kaca..
And bernaseb baek, dia terima gak last minute order..
Special treatment katanye.Perghh..punyerlaa lega hati nih..
TERIMA KASIH!!!!!..Tak rugi borak2 mesra dgn dia sebelum tuh..huhu..

P/s: tapi tak confirm lagi laa..kedai  nak tutup da.
Dia suh datang esok bawak size+number+name.Nanti esok cerita..

*Note to NEXT player*
1. Jersey tak confirm kaler ape..mana yang ada stock, itu yang kita amek.
2. Esok baru nak confirmkan balik design&order.
3. Saper free nak mengular ke Summit lepas Jumaat, blh laa call Fendi@Anan. Derang nak gi sana nanti.
4. Malam Sabtu, before training baru amek jersey.
5. Confirmkan balik player yang nak gi opening,kay?
6. Saper yang nak breakfast nanti, bitau..kalau tak, aku wat utk Anan+Aman je.

*Pasnih, belanja aku bola Molten satu*

Preparation for NCBL.

NCBL tinggal beberapa hari je lagi.
Aku pulak yang rasa berdegup  berdebar. Budget macam aku pulak yang maen.
Huhu..Minggu nih sangat memenatkan dan hari nih genap laa (*jap, kire jap..sabtu,  ahad, isnin, selasa, rabu, khamis ,..) 6 hari aku tak maen basketball..pegang bola pon 2saat je..sdey..
dengan kondisi bola yang tak mengizinkan untuk dipantul balik.(pancit), dan cuaca yang tak menyebelahi diri, mmg satu kombinasi yang sangat perfect untuk menggemukkan balik diri aku nih..*SIGH*

Hari Ahad, game dijadualkan pada pukul 11.00 menentang BW(pemanas kerusi@benchwarmers).
Macam mana laa agaknye situasi game tuh nanti. Menang tak?..Kalau menang, dgn berapa point?, kalau kalah, adakah akan men"down"kan budak2 nih..haih.

Dahlaa takde jersey    lagi..

Mungkinkah NEXT bertanding memakai pagoda ?


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How to Build Stamina for Basketball

Especially to my beloved Team, NEXT

I found this interesting webpage on how to build up your stamina.
(Credits to )
So, kindly please see below for your perusal..huhu..
"Other than in high school, a regular game of basketball lasts no less than 40 minutes. In this 40-minute time frame, there is a lot of running, jogging, sprinting, jumping and picking yourself up off the floor. Not to mention that you are also constantly jockeying for position around the hoop and in the paint. Not only is it a good idea to build up stamina for this grueling game, but it is all but mandatory.

1.Increase your aerobic capacity. At the heart of all physical activity is aerobic capacity. To increase it, perform long duration, repetitive movements such as jogging, cycling, kickboxing, stair stepping, rowing or training on an elliptical machine.


2.Do sprint training. This is sport-specific and it will increase your anaerobic capacity. Do a 5- to 10-minute warm-up, which can be a light jog. Then do a series of sprints separated by rest periods. Whatever the length of the sprint is, double the rest period. For example, if you do 30-second sprints, take 60-second rests.

3.Do interval training. Interval training translates into the game of basketball at times when there is fast running mixed in with jogging. Perform interval training the same way. After a 5- to 10-minute warm-up, increase your speed to a fast pace for a given time, then bring your speed back to jogging again. An example of a time interval would be run hard for 1 minute and jog for 2.

4.Do some body weight exercises. This will help to increase your muscle endurance, which also helps build stamina. Some examples of exercises include pull-ups, push-ups, crunches, leg raises, squats and lunges. Do these exercises with high rep ranges. Aim for a minimum of 15 reps.


5.Commit to suicides. Suicides are very intense runs on the court. Start at the base line, run to the foul line, touch the floor and run back. Then run to the half-court line, touch the floor and run back. Then go to the other foul line, touch the floor and come back. Finally, run coast-to-coast, touch the other base line and come back.

6.Do some plyometric training. This type of training is characterized by fast, repetitive, explosive movements. Perform exercises such as box jumps, leaping lunges, jumping jacks, stair hops and jumping rope. Jumping rope will not only increase your stamina, but it will also work your calves, shoulders and core. As an added benefit, this type of work can also increase your leaping ability

and thats how to improve your stamina..hope this will helps. Other than that, breathe slowly during the exercise. Good Luck guys!

Friendly match in Sri Garden Part II

Friendly game review

I believe Mr. Manager of NEXT team will summarize the full review of the game today. So, I don’t need to do it again.hehe.
As an unofficial spectator, I think it is quite an interesting game. They played 4 games yesterday. (game sampai 21points I think)
Both team had a good game last night although the court is lengthy (international school kan?.sure kaki student panjang2..huhu).

First two games are a bit relax and ARCHERS is leading whilst NEXT is still trying to coordinate. ( NEXT tak sempat warm up pon. They came in late due to heavy raining and traffic jammed..Archers da warm up sejam setengah before that. So, by the time NEXT abes warm up, ARCHERS da maen lebey 2 jam da..tuh sebab penat kot..huhu)

In the third game, NEXT get the FEEL and starts to strike back. They keep a close gap between the points.
And in the last games, NEXT is leading in early stage and ARCHERS starts to play more serious.
(Things get rough and intense until that pak guard interrupts..huhu..”Masa dah habis..sepatutnya sampai kul10 je”  Alaaaa, they played until 11pm je..Chill laa bro..=P )
Yet, ARCHERS didn’t give a chance to NEXT and managed to end the games with 21-19.

But, as a new team, it is a good games guys!!.. Takde laa kene tapau abes2 pon..=D


p/s:**full report will be posted by NEXT manager**


I think there are some area NEXT needs to improve. Coach has been telling the same things too.
So, I’ll just summarize things for improvement

  1. Communication – Kene rajin2 mintak bola, always reminds your team to hands up, remind them on strategies & all.
Teammate who’s sitting at the bench can also remind the player. As I said last night, you guys have to hang out and play the balls together more often. =D
But, dun forget to invite me, the “pengkritik tetap @ penjaga barang korang”..huhu
  1. Hands up during defences – Kene rajen2 hands up pasnih..who know luck is on your side and u blocked the ballz,kan? =)
  2. Passing – Needs a lots of training to get a sharp and accurate passing..Coach, bolehlaa train passing+rebound after this. Coach da mahir da..I think you guys have to get 1 official balls to familiarize with the grip.
 ( Lagu “If I were a billionaire” terngiang2..If I were a billionaire, I will sponsored the balls..haih..have to put it on my wish list..huhu)
  1. Rebounds –Have to be fully aware on rebounds. You will never know your lucks. It is not a guarantee that its always a clean shoot. So, prepare je for rebounds. Bak kata coach. “Rebounds2!,” **ngeee**
  2. Stamina – Words speaks for itself..huhuhu…no need for elaboration.
So, ape ar malam nih..hehehe..

Friendly match in Sri Garden


I've just got back from the game and it's a bit sad cause I left my notepad n my hp's battery is dying..
n my stats sheet is in my lappie bag..haih..(my head went blurr after ERP meeting*sigh*)
Players attended:-
1. Tambun
2. Adi
3. Anan

1.Raje Cons
2.Melo Cons
(Thanks a lot to you guys for the full commitment towards NEXT. They should buy you dinner tadi =p)

eyhhh..Huhu..I have just realized you guys played with 9 peps vs full team..perghhhh..*salute* (p/s:remind me if I left anyone out).
Firstly, GOOD WORKZ!!!! i mean, GREAT WORKZ..*ngeeee*

But, i'll write up the full review tomorrow if my manager is not around..huhu..need to refresh back.
But, basically I think NEXT has made up lots of improvement compared to the first game last week n i am seriously enjoyed it..although there are a few things they need to improve, but it's okay..babysteps,kay?not everyone was born as a perfect baller. Learn from your mistakes and opponents advantages. But, never repeat the same mistakes cause it means u're not learning anything from it =)

**video will be uploaded by videomaster**

Huhu..there's been a misunderstanding regarding that.
Well, I need to study FIBA again as I am still the statistician..*ngeee* sorry coach..huhu..
Don't worry, I will try my best to meet up your expectation.=D

*Breakfast anyone?*
To avoid any lack in stamina during the first match, I am more than honored to announced that I will be preparing breakfast for anyone who wants it.(Give me confirmation on head count latest on Friday)
I will prepare a light breakfast but, i'll make sure you'll get the perfect calories to start up the game.
(Aman is pushing me into this..huhu..after the game, ko belanje aku makan baskin robin plak. orait bro? =p)
Anyway, I'll be making you guys a 3-layer sandwich. Tuna+cheese+scramble egg sandwich. So, manager, by Friday give me the confirmation.k?n informed me if ada org allergy pape. (but, hope I'm in KL that time..hehe)

Wait for my review tomorrow! (cheh, budget org nak baca je =p)
need to catch up some sleep before tomorrow.*sigh*Work starts at 8.30a.m.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No More Statisticians

Haih.. finally get the time to update this blog.. too busy with works and FarmVille..(deym!..**terjebak jugak =p**)
Btw, got the news yesterday that I dun have to be the statistician for NEXT team anymore..huhu..they’ve got another person..not sure what’s her name..
So, Tambun, your request is not applicable to me anymore.. hehe.
But, for the sake of loving this game, I will keep track the statistic for my own. Atleast,  I don’t have to sit at the bench nor to feel guilty if I left out anything..*ngeee =D**
After studying the FIBA rules, I’m kind of regret cause didn’t read it earlier (means, in my Uni time cause I got “B” for my basketball final exam =( which cause me a whole lots of wasted pointer..*sigh*).
Nevertheless, it’s never to late to learn anything. Right? There’s a quote saying “Better late than never.”

**Good News**
Cause I played basketball for more or less 1 hour a day, 3 days a week, with a nutritionals’ diet , I manage to cut down my weight by 4.5 kg in 1 ½ month..
(p/s: for illustration purpose only )
Isn't  great?..n I never felt any healthier. =) **suddenly remember my MRSM time which I spend most of my time doing athletics and not studying =P**
But, I still have a long way to go before I reach my target..
Thanks to Mr.Ed  for his support. I may not achieve this if it weren’t because of u. 

Friendly Match
I miss NEXT friendly match last week coz the match is on Saturday and I have to accompany my mum to her office that day..Quite a waste =(.
But, thanks to NEXT manager, Mr.Shaay for the updates in your blog =)
Atleast, I know what happen that day.. Lots of delicious foods involved..haha.. *lawak je*
Tonight, there will be another friendly match, n I’ll make sure to attend and get some pic.. hehe
N I might as well, bring the FIBA handbook, in case, I might discover something new..(macam NEXT nih new species je **ngee**).
So, see you in the NEXT next update!


Friday, May 14, 2010

An evening in Office

It's 5.09pm on Friday and works will ends at 5.30p.m.. A very dull and monotonous day for me. 

I cant wait to watch for the NCBL Match which is going to start on 23rd 2010.
Will have some input and clearer picture of the match soon.
Wonder what will be my first impression after watching the first match.. =)

I am more keen to watch Division 2 match as I'm currently supporting one of the Division 2 Team. hehe..
But, it never stop me to watch and update news on Division One match. Have my eyes on a few team which caught me in awe after watching KLNC last month.. Bet it will be more interesting though.

Praying hard that NEXT team will be able to be on Top 4 as this will be their first time playing together in NCBL.
Pray hard, boys!..


Violation in Basketball game

Just want to share some information on Referee's sign during foul.
I found it as an interesting as I've been wondering for so many time, what the !@%6 is that referee saying.
But after reading the FIBA rules & regulation book, now i understand the meaning..haha..
It is funny watching and trying to interpret the meaning of the sign in the the first place.
I HAVE been naive, u know..but, not as blurr now..=)
Thansk to FIBA..

NEXT timetable for NCBL 2010 Match

This is the schedule which I have summarize for NEXT team  to make it easier to read..
Every Sunday, I will be spending my day in Batu 11 Court Cheras to watch the boys play..
Might need to gather some of my galfriends to be on the cheers team..=)
Well, game is starting next week..
Got the fever??=)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Wanna know the correct way to warm up your abs and body before starts playing?
Read more if you are curious to know.
I found it as very informative and it could be practiced. Its not that hard..hehe
But, make use of will increase your stamina by doing this kind of warm up.

Healthy food for athelete

Minuman yang sihat-

1. Mereka yang aktif bersukan perlu meminum air yang seberapa banyak yang boleh.
2. Sebaik-baiknya minum minuman khusus yang disediakan untuk mereka yang aktif bersukan.
3. Anda juga boleh
minum jus buah-buahan seperti jus epal, jus tembikai, jus oren, jus jambu dan sebagainya.
4. Sekiranya anda bakal menghadapi perlawanan, pastikan anda minum sebelum perlawanan,
semasa rehat dan selepas perlawanan berakhir.

5. Begitu juga ketika anda menjalani sesi latihan, amalkan tabiat meminum sebanyak mungkin
air yang diperlukan oleh tubuh anda.
6. Jika anda minum susu, pilihlah
susu yang rendah kandungan lemaknya.7. Elakkan minuman beralkohol. Begitu juga elakkan minuman seperti kopi, teh
dan seumpamanya.

NEXT Video 3

part 3

NEXT Video2

Part 2.
Sorry for the low quality vid

NEXT Video1

Berjaya upload =)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Seems familiar?
Stats chart for basketball game.
Someone request me to keep the team stats and i'm unsure if I could do it.
The game will be super fast, and I have just started learning on referee signs and all..
Will i be able to do it?
Not sure..
But, at least I could count the foul and points for the match.
For more detail stats, I will try, but I wont promise..hehe..
This week will start watching NBA and calculate the stats..hehe

NEXT training pics

Interested to know who are the NEXT team?
I have some pictures of them which were taken from their facebook.hehe
It is Legal i hope.
I have watch some of them play and I think non-chinese can really played the ball.
This game is not limited to all chinese people.
I used to study in Sabah, and there are a lots of Bumi@native who can play the ball really well.
See it for yourself in the next NCBL if you dont believe me..=p

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The NEXT Team Blog

I have just been informed that the NEXT team have their own blogs.
Dont missed to keep updated on the team by following below blogs. (

NCBL 2010 Part II Division Two

Grouping List for NCBL 2010.
Thanks to pemainbolakeranjang for summarizing the whole team that will be playing for the next NCBL match

List name is as per below:-

Group A

1) Griffin

2) Benchwarmer

3) Nirwana Shock

4) Phantoms (B)

5) Bullets

6) Next

7) Malaya Titans

8) J3(C)

9) Jump

10 SoulSpeed

First Post NCBL 2010

This will be my first post for this blog.
I am supporting the NEXT team to their first NCBL match starting 23 May 2010.
Wanna more bout NEXT??